Abdus Salam QuEST Conference '24
25th May 2024
Masjid Mubarak, Brampton, ON
For the detailed programme schedule, go to the Events page
The Life of Dr. Abdus Salam:
His Education, Service to Pakistan, and the International Community
Asif Parvez Sahib (MSc Physics)
(Click here for the Bio of the speaker)
(Click the button below)
Date: 22nd August 2024, Thursday
Time: 7pm, EST
Venue: Aiwan-e-Tahir, Board Room (2nd Floor)
Virtual Link:
(Space is very limited. Attendees are encouraged to watch via the virtual link)

The Association of Ahmadi Muslim Scientists of Canada
Those who remember Allah while standing, sitting, and lying on their sides, and ponder over the creation of the heavens and the earth: “Our Lord, Thou hast not created this in vain" ~ The Holy Qur’an [3:192]
About Us
The Association of Ahmadi Muslim Scientists (AAMS) of Canada brings together scholars, researchers, academics, thought leaders, knowledge synthesizers and brokers, and students from diverse institutions, sectors and training backgrounds, belonging to the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. The aim of this organization is to promote world-class research and scholarship through collaborations, networking, and mentoring to inspire the next generation of Ahmadi Muslim researchers in Canada.

Our mission is to bring about a new Islamic Golden Age of Intellectual progress and advancement, based on the prophecy of The Promised Messiah(as) that the members of his community will excel in the fields of knowledge and wisdom.
Bold Title
Big Title
We envision a multidisciplinary community of Ahmadi researchers and scholars working together to solve humanity’s grand challenges under the divine guidance and leadership of the Khalifa-tul-Masih. The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is currently led by the fifth Khalifa, his Holiness Mirza Masroor Ahmad(aba), who is a great proponent of scientific research and knowledge. His Holinessaba has repeatedly encouraged the community to pursue careers in research and to reflect upon the guidance and wisdom provided in the Holy Quran as the foundation stone of their breakthroughs.
As we grow, AAMS Canada hopes to provide and share resources, innovative practices, collaboration, networking opportunities and professional development opportunities to its members to advance research of Canadian Ahmadi Muslims at National and International levels. In time, AAMS hopes to offer a global forum for all Ahmadi Muslims involved in any form of research and education.
Become A Member
Our members include graduate and post graduate trainees; faculty members, researchers at all career stages; inventors, innovators and entrepreneurs of science and technology; science policy practitioners; research managers and administrators; and science enthusiasts. AAMS Canada’s membership recognizes the varying career stages and proficiency levels of its members in their research areas and embraces the diversity of opinions, perspectives, and ideas from all.

Eligibility Criteria
A valid member code of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Canada.
An interest in science, technology, research, and development. This includes STEM sciences, social sciences and humanities, religious studies/theology, and economics.

Membership Benefits
Networking and collaboration
​Support and mentorship
Opportunities to present research findings
Recognition and awards